About "Sensitive Content Warning"

 Money and Sex are definitely "sensitive". Did your parents talk to you about Money and Sex? Before you were up to your eyeballs in problems that you could well have avoided with a little education?

For many of us, those talks did not happen. Did not happen on time. And did not happen when it was too late either.  Those topics were just too "sensitive". And so, we either figured it out by ourselves, or we shared tips and deep insights with our friends that were just as clueless.

We bought books written by people whose business was, well, to sell books. There were seminars run by people that, well, run seminars. If you were broke before the seminar, after the seminar you probably found yourself even deeper in the hole, and the only sex you experienced was that you got screwed. And by the time you got to "personal counseling", well ...

Don't blame your parents. They had more experience, but beyond that they probably were just as ignorant. There is something called "culture", things that we "know" because we live surrounded by people that "know" the same things, and when we all "know" the same things, we just agree that such is "reality". And don't blame the authors of those books that didn't solve all of our problems. They were just as constrained by "culture" as you, trying to make a buck to solve their problems.

Enter Big Money Gazer. Just as clueless, born and raised in the same "culture", sharing in the same "reality". Except that after a long time of fumbling the ball, of banging my head against invisible walls, I began to suspect that there is, in fact, something that I still don't know. And so I began to look around, to gaze and even stare.

And after a long while, I thought I would share my gazings in this blog. And I clicked "sensitive content warning" in the settings. Because I am sensitive to your feelings. I share your pain. I don't want you to run into content that may further traumatize you, at least not without warning.

But after further consideration, I realized that what Google designates as "sensitive content" is exclusively Sex. All forms of sex, but only sex. And I am the kind of abnormally obsessed human (aka "pervert") focused on Money. Big Money, as a matter of fact.

So I have set the "sensitive content warning" back to "off". I still think that Money is a sensitive topic. Adults often think about money, so it is definitely "adult content". But the warning would be in fact misleading. You would not find here what you came looking for. You would be frustrated and enraged and further traumatized. And justifiably so. And it would be my fault.

So let the "Money" in Big Money Gazer be your warning. Because I don't know what else to do. 

Note: I realize that some resourceful persons manage to exchange Money for Sex. And some others manage to exchange Sex for Money. And so the smart logician may point out that Sex and Money are in fact interchangeable, and so the "sensitive content warning" should still be set to "on". What do you think? Because this conundrum totally beats me.


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