Conspiracy Theory: Big Pharma - Advantages of Synthetic Antibodies

 In a previous post, I "hinted" at a wide ranging conspiracy to hide the existence of a safe and effective Covid-19 cure: Synthetic Antibodies. A conspiracy to deny humanity the benefits of the last 50 years of scientific development. And make a bundle in the process.

This conspiracy follows a good old time tested design: It has a What and a Why.

And I wrote about the Why (Money) here. Now it is time to expose the What (Synthetic Antibodies) and why it must be kept under wraps if the market for Covid vaccines is to be preserved as a fat, giant cash cow for Pharma corporations.

So here we go. Fear not, it is not as complex as it is made out to be. If you ever peeked at an elementary school Health textbook, you should have no problem following along.

Vaccines work through our Immune Systems. When a virus comes into contact with you, it begins the virus version of eating its prey. Viruses begin to use parts of you (inside your cells) to reproduce, and then the new baby viruses repeat the process. But the process is not completely invisible. There are some chemical indications of what is going on (leftover bones and the like).

And if your immune system is functional, it detects those leftovers and kicks up a process to manufacture antibodies to tag the feasting viruses and slate them for eventual destruction.

And from this point on, it is a race. If you are to live to ever face another virus invasion, your immune system must manufacture enough antibodies to tag and eventually destroy your current virus population before the viruses eat enough of you to render you unable to make antibodies.

The critical part of the race lasts about one week or two. You win and go on to recover, or you don't.

And the logic of vaccines is to trick your immune system to manufacture at least some antibodies before the viruses show up. To give you a leg up on the race.

Now, what if your friendly health provider has a bottle of antibodies on stock, ready to pump it into your veins the minute you need it? Well, you won the race! Hands down! You were negligent, or "vaccine hesitant", or downright irresponsible, and you still won. You can go on, merry-go-happy, to face whatever other viruses the future may throw at you, and you didn't need any vaccine.

But the market for Synthetic Antibodies (aka "cure") is much, much smaller than the market for Vaccines (aka "prevention"). Mind you, after a year of no vaccines, New York and Italy are still teeming with human beings. And, have you noticed any population decline in all those Third World, underdeveloped countries with no vaccine and no testing and no time or resources for social distancing? Of course no.

Viruses are dangerous, but the overwhelming majority of humans can deal with the Covid-19 virus just fine. Only a small fraction would ever need Synthetic Antibodies, because for whatever reason their immune systems are unable to produce their own antibodies fast enough. 

And that is why you must not be told about Synthetic Antibodies. Unless, that is, you have the Big Money to compensate for the smaller market. And unless you are willing to pay up. Because Big Pharma must make Big Profits.

The logic is clear, and the evidence is ... well, you have to dig for it, but that is what makes for a good Conspiracy Theory. "They" are not going to make it easy for you. But just look around: the propaganda machine is all for "prevention" (vaccine) and nobody mentions "cure", which is a much more logical and straightforward approach. 

Why push for a vaccine with all its possible side effects if you are not sick? Why nobody is testing wether you already dealt with this particular virus and recovered and have all the antibodies you will ever need--before you get railroaded to get your jab?

Because there is Big Money to be made. And you will not be allowed to travel or get a haircut or hang around with your friends until you pay up. Until we all pay up.


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