Do this and become a Billionaire right now

 And no selling required.

You should be running for your life by now. But fortunately, you are reading this on the Internet, so you are safe, and you can spare a few minutes, enough to read a few more lines. What could go wrong?

Well, this is what could go wrong (or right): You could decide to become a billionaire. Really become a billionaire--like in real life. And why wouldn't you? As you will soon see, the process is rather simple. Ready?

Get yourself a nice sheet of paper, and write the following:


By this resolution, My Corporation, Inc. duly authorizes and issues 1,000,000,000 (ONE BILLION) shares of stock.

Transactions and moneys to be recorded on the Stock Register.       

            My Name                                        My Name                                

Chief Executive Officer                 Chairman of the Board               


 Was that too difficult? Of course not. You have issued one billion shares of "My Corporation, Inc", a corporation entirely under your control, since you are the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) and the Chairman of the Board. (Yes, you sign your name above "Chief Executive Officer" and  "Chairman of the Board"). And feel free to name your corporation whatever you like. "My Corporation, Inc." is just an example to get you started.

Now flip your sheet of paper over and write near the top:


Stock Register

Name                Number of Shares          Amount 

                  My Name            1 (ONE)                      1 USD 


 That shouldn't have been too hard either. Now take one dollar from one of your pockets and pay yourself one dollar.

Done  already? Good! You have completed the first stock transaction of your vehicle to become a bona fide billionaire: your very own corporation.

And this transaction has established that the price of your corporation's shares is one dollar each.

So with this transaction, you have achieved your objective: You have become a billionaire. You own one billion shares, each valued at one US Dollar. And one dollar times one billion is one billion dollars. Congratulations!

Note: This example assumes that you have one US Dollar available. And depending on where in the world you are, that may not be the case. If instead all you have is one Japanese Yen, or One Indian Rupee, or one schilling, or one peso, or whatever, go ahead and use that. You will still be a billionaire, since your shares will be valued at one billion Yen, or Rupees, or whatever.

And Warning: You may hear that the process is much more complicated than what you just did. And depending on what else you may want to do with your corporation and your shares, there may very well be additional steps to take. But if being a billionaire is all you are aiming for, you are done. You are a real billionaire.

And finally, just to clarify: Are you wealthy now? Or at least, are you wealthier now than before doing this exercise?

Well, the valuation of your shares is based on one transaction in which you used "money". And you should know that money is but the ghost of wealth

And what you created in this exercise is only shares, which just happen to be the ghosts of money.

So even though you are a bona fide billionaire, you are still two ghostly steps away from making yourself wealthier. If you want to conjure wealth out of your shares, well ... it is doable, but some additional work is required. In fact, that is exactly what Elton Musk (Tesla) and Jeff Bezos (Amazon) and many others spend their time doing. Conjuring wealth out of corporate shares.

So if you decide to try, you will be in fantastically good company. Just be warned that the process may be long and prone to complications. But if you read this far, I wouldn't be surprised if you indeed decide to try.

So best wishes to you. And I hope to read about your achievements soon. Make it big!


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